Last updated 14/02/2025
The EYCN News

The EYCN collects information about the biggest events organized all across Europe and dedicated especially to young scientists. If you are organizing an even in Europe for young scientists, please send the information to our Communication Team Leader. We aim to stay in touch with everyone and improve communication and knowledge exchange across Europe.
Croatia: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Croatian Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 28 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
14th Delegate Assembly (DA)
The EYCN would like to thank the following companies for their support of the 14th EYCN Delegate Assembly: EuChemS, GDCh, Evonik, Chembid, European Chemistry Partnering, BCNP Consultants and abcr. Without their involvement, it would not have been possible to successfully bring together young chemists from across Europe to help grow our network.

2nd European Young Chemists’ Meeting (EYCheM)

Norway: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Norwegian Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 27 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
International Travel Grant for young chemists
Are you interested to go to the 37th Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in San Sebastián from May 26-30, 2019? The EYCN Networks Team has worked with the Spanish Young Investigators in Chemistry and created an opportunity for up to 5 PhD students and 1 PostDoc researcher.
Read more details about the requirements for the travel grant HERE and visit the website of the event for more information.
The call is open until the 30th of January 2019!

8th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop – BYPoS 2019
The organizing committee of BYPoS 2019 would like to invite all young scientists to participate in a workshop that is oriented on all fields of macromolecular chemistry. This event provides a great possibility for young polymer scientists (BSc/MSc/PhD students or younger researchers up to 40 years) to present and discuss their results and knowledge in the field of polymer chemistry and incorporate to the group of young motivated people.
This traditional BYPoS workshop will be held from March 25-28, 2019 in the ski-center Oščadnica in the north of Slovakia, where one could enjoy professional, social and sport possibilities.
Deadline for abstracts and registration: 15th of February 2019
Visit the website of the event for additional details:

Denmark: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Danish Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 26 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
Element Scarcity – EuChemS Periodic Table
2019 has been pronounced the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT2019), and EuChemS, the European Chemical Society, hopes that this unique and thought-provoking Periodic Table will lead to reflection and ultimately, action. Over the next year, EuChemS will provide featured articles on specific elements, their endangered status, and the consequences this will have on the world around us.
The Periodic Table is available for free download. Please note that the work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs CC BY-ND.
Support notes, which explain in more detail how the Periodic Table has been designed are available for download here.
Support notes for teachers are available for download here.
On 22 January 2019, a video game will be released. Follow the EuChemS website page for all the latest updates!
The EYCA winners
The European Young Chemist Award 2018 (EYCA2018; was presented in Liverpool during the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (7ECC). Under the patronage of EuChemS, the 7ECC and the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), EYCA2018 has been sponsored by the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and the Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Chimici e dei Fisici in Italy (FNCF). The award aims to showcase and recognize the excellent research being carried out by young scientists working in the chemical sciences. Researchers from all over the world applied to the award.
After being selected on the basis of the judgements of the Coveners of the 7ECC and/or of recognized experts in the field, the finalists presented their research by a talk in front of a jury composed by professors Luisa De Cola (University of Strasbourg), Christophe Copéret (ETH Zurich) and Gaetano Guerra (University of Salerno). At the competition were present Prof. Angela Agostiano and Dr. Nausicaa Orlandi, Presidents of the SCI and FNCF respectively, which sponsored the Prize for about 6000 euros. The Award Advisory Boardwere composed by Federico Bella (SCI), Nausicaa Orlandi (FNFC), Alice Soldà (EYCN), Victor Mougel (EYCN), Magnus Johnson (EYCN) and the general organization was by Camillo Sartorio. In the presence of Prof. Bruno Pignataro (Chair of the Award), Prof. Pilar Goya (the President of EuChemS) and Dr. Alice Soldà (the Chair of the European Young Chemist Network), the winners of the two categories covered by the EYCA (PhD level and level 35 years) were presented during the 7ECC closing ceremony.
At the 35 years old level won the EYCA2018 Alessandro Porchetta (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) and have got the two silver medals Matteo Atzori (University of Florence, Italy) and Simone Fabiano (Linköping University, Sweden). The winners of EYCA2018 at the PhD level were Tim Gatznmeier (Gold medal, Max Plank Institute für Kolenforshung, Germany), Lichen Liu (Silver medal; Valencia University, Spain) and Clément Larquet (Silver medal; Sorbonne University, France). A special mention was also given to Erica Del Grosso (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome).

Young Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB) exchange
The Younger Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB), the exchange program between the EYCN and the Younger Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society (ACS-YCC), was a great achievement for this year!
Special thanks to Jackie O’Neil (ACS-YCC) and Torsten John (EYCN), which successfully leaded the YCCB project and spent a lot of time to make this exchange possible!
Catherine Rawlins, Caitlyn Mills and Lori Ferrins, awardees from ACS-YCC, attended as speakers during the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Liverpool. They also had the chance to visit the Unilever Materials and Innovation Factory with some EYCN delegates and friends!

EYCN at Unilever Materials and Innovation Factory in Liverpool
Elena Lenci (IT), Dušan Petrović (RS), Alexandre Herve (FR) and Andra-Lisa Hoyt (DE) awardees from EYCN, attended the 256th ACS National Meeting in Boston (USA)!

EYCN at the ACS National Meeting in Boston
We congratulate the awardees and wish them best luck for their future and to all of you, keep an eye on our social media to be updated on the next edition of the YCCB program!
The EYCN program during the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress
Read the full program of the EYCN Symposium designed especially for young chemists.
We kindly remind the participants to proceed with their registration; for more information about the registration fees, click here.
The EYCA finalists
Meet the finalists of the EYCA – European Young Chemist Award 2018 – read more about them here!
The EYCA 2018 will take place on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 during the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Liverpool. Read the Program Session EYCA 2018 and find out the detailed schedule.
Find out more at
Turkey: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Turkish Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 25 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
Young Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB) – Results!
On behalf of the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), a division of EuChemS, are very pleased to announce the four (4) winners of the YCCB 2018:
Dušan Petrović, Elena Lenci, Alexandre Herve, Andra-Lisa Hoyt

You can read more information about all the winners here.
The winners are given an opportunity to participate and present at an ACS National Meeting and to create a network with young chemists from another continent. We congratulate them and we also thank all the applicants for participation.
Young Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB) exchange 2018

The Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), a division of EuChemS, are very pleased to invite you to the 256th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, to be held in Boston (Massachusetts, US) from August 19-23, 2018.
This is an amazing opportunity for 4 European young chemists to attend the 256th ACS National Meeting and Exposition this year in Boston. The theme of the meeting will be “Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond” and will showcase research from many diverse topics and areas of the chemical sciences. The award covers accommodation, most meals, conference fees and a site visit to a chemical research facility. The award winners must fund their travel to and from Boston.
It is our great pleasure to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the 2018 Young Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB) exchange is now open. For more information click here
Applicants are asked to submit a scientific abstract (award winners are expected to present their work during the conference), a CV (two pages maximum) and a cover letter detailing their motivation for applying (one page maximum) until March 9th, 2018 (CET). The candidates will be judged according to high standards of scientific qualifications, their engagement and commitment to the scientific community on a national and international level, and their ability to represent the new European elite in front of the American Chemical Society.
European Young Chemist Award 2018
Dear European young chemists, the call for the European Young Chemist Award 2018 is open!
Do not miss the chance to apply! You will find more information following this link:
13th Delegate Assembly in Torino (Italy)
The EYCN Board together with the young chemists section of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI – Gruppo Giovani) have the pleasure to organize the 13th EYCN Delegate Assembly (DA) in Torino (Italy) from 6th to 9th of May 2018.
Please note that the deadline for registration has passed (31st of January 2018).
You can find more information following this link
Hungary: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Hungarian Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 24 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
Macedonia (FYROM): a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 23 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress
The 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress titled “Molecular frontiers & global challenges” will take place on August 26–30, 2018, in Liverpool (United Kingdom). Registration is now open, via an online system and full payment is required to guarantee your booking. Deadline for early bird registration until June 4th, standard registration by July 16th, late registration by August 16th.
The EuChemS Chemistry Congresses reflect the outstanding research being done in Europe and around the world by bringing together chemists from different countries and professional backgrounds to exchange ideas, advance knowledge and discuss key issues for chemistry and society. As such, the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress offers you exceptional opportunities to network with chemists from across Europe and beyond.
The deadline for submission of abstracts for oral presentations is January 29th, 2018 and for submission of abstracts of posters is April 16th, 2018.
SwissSnowSymposium 2018
The 16th Swiss Snow Symposium 2018 will take place on January 26-28, 2018, once more in Saas-Fee (Switzerland). Applications are now closed.
This traditional symposium will provide an innovative platform for young chemists to present their work and to exchange their experience. A well balanced mix between lectures, short talks and poster session as well as get-togethers at the hotel bar and snow fun activities on the slopes of the Allalin-Mountain guarantee a unique experience of science and fun.
You can find more information following this link
12th E-WiSPOC
The 12th edition of the European-Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry (E-WiSPOC) will take place from January 28-February 2, 2018, in Bressanone (Italy). Applications are now closed.
This School an unique opportunity to gain expertise in the field of Organic Chemistry. If you are interested in WHY and not only HOW chemical reactions proceed you MUST attend this School. The School is part of the Organic Division of the Italian Chemical Society, which also provides some fellowships for young participants.
2018 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists
The awards are given for the most outstanding Ph.D. theses in the general area of the chemical sciences, as described in a 1000-word essay. The award is generously sponsored by Solvay. Complete applications must be received at the IUPAC Secretariat by February 1st, 2018. For more information visit the following link.
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists
The 14th edition of the Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists (ChemCYS 2018) is organized by Jong KVCV and will take place February 21-23, 2018, at the Belgian coast in Blankenberge. Applications are now closed.
20th JCF-Frühjahrssymposium (spring symposium)
The 20th JCF spring symposium will take place at the University of Konstanz (Germany) from March 21-24, 2018. Applications are still open until the additional seats are taken.
The GDCh-JCF spring symposium is a well-established international event for young chemists, in particular undergraduate and PhD students of chemistry and related subjects. Researchers from Europe and all over the world are encouraged to participate in the symposium.
On the following pages you may find information to the symposium – for further information feel free to contact Young Chemists Section of the German Chemical Society by e-mail To keep you up-to-date, we will constantly add information to this website, highlighted in the news section. Also check out facebook and twitter!
Please find more info:
Young Researchers’ International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering will take place on May 3-5, 2018, in Budapest (Hungary). Applications deadline had been extended and is still open. This event is organized by The Hungarian Chemical Society and the Romanian Chemical Society,
International School of Process Chemistry
The International School of Process Chemistry (ISPROCHEM) will take place on April 8-11, 2018, in Gargnano (Italy). Registration deadline: March 28th, 2018
The main aim of the school is to TRANSFER to the young generation of chemists willing to DEVELOP their scientific career in the Pharmaceutical industry the fundamentals and the art of Process Chemistry in a positive and friendly environment. In addition, ISPROCHEM aims to be a favorable place for young researchers to SHARE different perspectives and experiences, in view of their future academy – industry relationships.
6th PYCheM
The 6th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (PYCheM) will take place on May 15-18, 2018, in Setúbal (Portugal).
This biennial conference, dating back to 2008, is dedicated to gather young researchers from all subfields of Chemistry, as well as other related scientific areas of Research. Young chemists and researchers from any nationality are particularly encouraged to share their scientific highlights amongst their peers from chemical sciences, expand their international research network and attend lectures from recognized experts in various field of Chemistry.
Registration with discount (early bird): deadline March 15th, 2018
Abstract Submission: March 15th, 2018
Registration deadline: April 15th, 2018
The congress of the French Chemical Society, SCF18
The congress of the French Chemical Society (SCF18) will take place from June 30-July 4, 2018, in Montpelier and Toulouse (France). Deadline for abstract submission: February 15th, 2018
The congress will highlight the theme « Chemistry and Life » because it is a transdisciplinary subject that concerns more and more chemists. However, it leaves room for the mainstream contributions, corresponding to the thematic divisions of the Société Chimique de France: Catalysis, Coordination chemistry, Polymers and materials chemistry, Solid state chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Energy.
Deadline for early bird registration until April 30th, standard registration until June 25th, late registration from June 26th and on site.
The 5th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage – ChemCH2018 will take place on July 3-8, 2018, in Bucharest (Romania).
The conference is open to scientists, conservators, restorers, archaeologists, etc. to create an interdisciplinary community and a common environment for a fruitful discussion on the rôle of chemical science and technology for Cultural Heritage.
Abstracts submission deadline: February 28th, 2018
Frontiers of Science – Green Chemistry
The Gordon research Seminar (GRS) will take place from July 28-29, 2018 followed by the Gordon research Conference (GRC) from July 29-August 3, 2018, in Castelldefels (Spain).
The Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Green Chemistry is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas. Topic of the GR Seminaris Green Chemistry and Its Relevance to Society. Topic of the GR Conference is Addressing the Challenges at the Energy-Materials-Food-Water Nexus Through Green Chemistry.
Applications for the GRS must be submitted by June 30, 2018 and for the GRC must be submitted by July 1, 2018.
AuxDefense2018 – World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense
Call for abstracts for the AUXDEFENSE2018 – World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense is now open! The event will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on September 3-4, 2018. Deadline for an online abstract submission: January 31st, 2018. You can find more information here: https://conference.auxdefense.
AUXDEFENSE2018 is sponsored by the Portuguese Ministry of National Defense, organized by the University of Minho and focused on the latest scientific and technical novelties in advanced materials for Defense, including equipment and soldier protective systems. The conference will bring together various universities, research and technological centers, companies and all those interested in innovative solutions for this very high demanding field. The conference aims to represent a forum for exchanging ideas, presenting the latest developments and trends, proposing new solutions and promoting international collaborations.
Photochimica 2017 – FINAL RESULTS
We received 35 photos from 18 participants which were from 11 different countries. The submisions were evaluated by the Jury comprised of EYCN Science Team Members, EYCN Board Members and a professional photographer Wojciech Bibel.
Click here for more information about this contest.
1st Conference in Chemistry
1st Conference in Chemistry for Graduate students, Postgraduate students, and PhD candidates in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) took place on November 10-12, 2017.
The conference had 460 participants from all fields of Chemistry and a total of 112 presentations, 63 of which were oral and the rest poster presentations. During the first day of the conference it was organized a Career Day with 6 companies presenting their businesses and organizing interviews for the postgraduate students looking for job opportunities. Moreover the Chair of the EYCN Alice Soldà has presented the EYCN activities and the networking opportunities to the young chemists via an online platform.

The first EYCN soft-skills contribution in Europe!
Posters are widely used in the academic community, and most conferences include poster presentations in their program. Scientific posters concisely and attractively summarize information or a research project to help publicize it and generate discussion. A poster is an opportunity to effectively share research results and engage in scientific dialog with colleagues and the feedback can help you in refining your research and preparing it for publication.
The Chair of the EYCN Dr Alice Solda presented 8 SIMPLE RULES to design a great POSTER PRESENTATION and to minimize the time-consuming process of preparing and presenting an effective poster. This first-time contribution happened during the 5th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia in Belgrade on September 29-30, 2017.

If you are organizing a workshop or a conference and you want to add in your program a soft-skills talk on paper writing, poster design, rules for interviews, CV writing and EU project rules, please contact us: ! We will be glad to provide our help, support and contribution!
Austrian Chemistry Days
The second time it becomes tradition!
In September 2017 the members of the Austrian Young Chemists’ Network from all 4 locations (Graz, Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna) assembled for the 2nd National Get Together.
This was not only a possibility to personally meet the new members of their growing network and new employers in our growing network, but also to develop concepts for new projects.
The first time in their history local representatives were able to vote for the members of the national board who are responsible for the nationwide organisation. This was made possible by our sponsors and we therefore kindly thank the EYCN, Evonik, the Association of the Austrian Chemical Industry and the universities of Innsbruck and Vienna for their support!!

20th JCF-Frühjahrssymposium (spring symposium)
The 20th JCF spring symposium will take place at the University of Konstanz (Germany) from March 21-24, 2018. The GDCh-JCF spring symposium is a well-established international event for young chemists, in particular undergraduate and PhD students of chemistry and related subjects. Researchers from Europe and all over the world are encouraged to participate in the symposium.
On the following pages you may find information to the symposium – for further information feel free to contact Young Chemists Section of the German Chemical Society by e-mail To keep you up-to-date, we will constantly add information to this website, highlighted in the news section. Also check out facebook and twitter!
Registration deadline: December 15th, 2017. Please find more info:
Photochimica 2017
The acceptance of works within the framework “Radioactivity!” of the second Photochimica 2017 contest was completed. We received 35 photos from participants from 11 countries.
The first Photochimica 2017 exhibition will take place during the Medicina-Scientia-Culturae – International Conference devoted to the achievements of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Warsaw, University of Technology, Medical University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw (Poland) on November 6-8, 2017.
For the rules and regulations, please visit this link.

The EYCN YouTube channel
Take a look at our first promotional video created by Julian Dutzler. The video is about the Delegate Assembly, an annual meeting of all national representatives from the EYCN. Subscribe to our channel “European Young Chemists Network” and stay tuned for more exciting videos!
Slovakia: a new EYCN member country
We are pleased to welcome the Slovak Chemical Society to the EYCN! Now, our organization has representatives from 22 countries. You can find more information about this society and its delegate here.
If your society is a member of EuChemS, but doesn’t have any young representative(s) in the EYCN, please contact us:
Mobility and Mentoring
For the second time, the EYCN representatives attended an international conference “Mobility and Mentoring: Increasing the Employment of Young Workers in the European Chemical Industry” in Lisbon from 20-22 September, 2017. For more information about this EU project, click here.

International symposium on Bioinspired Macromolecular Systems
The International symposium on Bioinspired Macromolecular Systems in Aveiro (Portugal) on November 6-8, 2017.
The symposium will highlight the key contributions of chemical strategies for the modification of natural and biomimetic biomaterials, as well as advanced processing technologies/methodologies towards the development of next-generation multifunctional devices to be used in the biomedical and healthcare arena. The scientific program will comprise a series of plenary lectures to be delivered by internationally renowned scientists, well-known for their expertise and experience in chemistry, materials science and engineering, biomaterials science, marine biotechnology, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biology, and/or advanced therapies (such as tissue engineering), which will provide an authoritative and comprehensive overview on the latest developments in the relevant fields related with the topics of the event.
17th Merck Young Chemists Symposium
We are honored to announce the 17th edition of the Merck Young Chemists Symposium, as an annual scientific event organized by the Young Group Italian Chemical Society (SCI Giovani) with the financial support of Merck. Thanks to the presence of Merck and the active participation of SCI at European level (society member of EuChemS), the event will be international, hosting several top-scientists.
Merck Young Chemists Symposium 2017 will be hosted in Milano Marittima (Italy) on November 13-15, 2017. This year, a special emphasis will be given to chemistry without borders: how chemistry is increasingly present in all of the fields that are fundamental for human life, i.e. energy, health and environment? Deadline for abstract submission is September 24th, 2017.
Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry
Chemical societies across North and South America, Europe, and Africa invite chemistry professionals to the ABCChem Conference in Cancún (Mexico) on January 23-26, 2018. This event will offer an opportunity for top scientists from around the Atlantic Basin region to share ideas and collaborate on current multi-disciplinary chemistry topics.
The general submission window for ABCChem has now closed. However, in recognition of the extraordinary natural disasters that have recently impacted researchers throughout the Atlantic Basin community, anyone who was adversely affected may still submit an abstract directly by contacting through Monday, October 9th, 2017.
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists
The 14th edition of the Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists (ChemCYS 2018) is organized by Jong KVCV and will take place February 21-23, 2018, at the Belgian coast in Blankenberge. Registration is already open and the deadline for abstract submission is
You can find more information about the conference below.
- Facebook event:
- (@ChemCYS)

Treasure Hunt
The Treasure Hunt was a project organized by the ReAcTiON team – undergraduate students of Chemistry of AUTH (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and in collaboration with the EYCN. The aim was to bring the participants closer to the history and practice of chemistry. Through simple yet interactive and entertaining procedures and tasks the players were asked to understand chemical terms (e.g. neutralization), solve riddles, move in space and time to correct the time discontinuous and be the first to reach the prize.

- 2022 #Photochimica competition winners revealed (RSC News & Events, 2023)
- Bonding for Impact (Chemistry Views, 2022)
- French-German Young Chemists Conference “Curiosity” and Aligning students and employers’ expectations on the skills requirements of young talents (Chemistry in Europe, 2022-3)
- A look back at the 3rd European Young Chemists’ Meeting (Chemistry in Europe, 2022-2)
- Chemistry Rediscovered – Winners Announced (Chemistry in Europe, 2022-1)
- Scientific writing for early career chemists (Chemistry in Europe, 2021-4)
- The EYCN: Steering the Boat through a Global Pandemic and The EYCN: Returning to the New Normal (Chemistry in Europe, 2021-3)
- 16th Delegate Assembly – Virtual Meeting and Chemistry Rediscovered (Chemistry in Europe, 2021-2)
- Scientific writing and publishing for early-career researchers from the perspective of young chemists (2021, J. Mater. Chem. A)
- The Role of Early‐Career Chemists in European Policy‐Making (2021, Chem. Eur. J.)
- EYCN Podcast – Chemistry to your ears (Chemistry in Europe, 2021-1)
- A Virtual Journey in Empowering Early-Career Chemists (2021, Chemistry Views)
- PhotoChimica2020 winners announced (RSC News, May 2020)
- The Youngest Division: EYCN (Chemistry in Europe, 2020-4)
- How chemistry is helping in the fight against Coronavirus (Chemistry in Europe, 2020-3)
- Webinar collaborations and COVID-19 Testimonies (Chemistry in Europe, 2020-3)
- The EYCN and the Power of Networking (2020, Chem. Eur. J.)
- Promoting chemistry and supporting young experts (RSC News, July 2020)
- 15th EYCN Delegate Assembly in Sitges and Photochimica 2020 (Chemistry in Europe, 2020-2)
- EYCN and IYCN: Connecting and Empowering Young Chemists Globally (2020, Chemistry Views)
- Pint of Chemistry 2019 (Chemistry in Europe, 2020-1)
- Bonding for impact (Chemistry in Europe, 2019-4)
- The Past and Future of the EYCN (Chemistry in Europe, 2019-3)
- 14th Delegate Assembly in Bremen and Chemistry Rediscovered video contest: “In Your Element” (Chemistry in Europe, 2019-2)
- Listen to chemists on the EYCN YouTube Channel (Chemistry in Europe, 2019-1)
- 14th Delegate Assembly of the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) (2019, Chemistry Views)
- The European Young Chemist Award 2018 (Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 17164–17169)
- EYCN at the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (Chemistry in Europe, 2018-4)
- ”Chemistry across Europe” – a webpage for chemistry students and graduates (Chemistry in Europe, 2018-3)
- Professional development of Younger Chemists at the ABCChem conference (Chemistry in Europe, 2018-2)
- Promoting chemistry to the public – Photochimica 2017 (Chemistry in Europe, 2018-1)
- Mobility and mentoring: increasing employment of young people in the European chemical industry (Chemistry in Europe, 2017-4)
- Chemistry Rediscovered (Chemistry in Europe, 2017-3)
- Future Members of the Chemical Community (Chemistry in Europe, 2017-3)
- Evonik Cooperates with Young Chemists (2015, Chemistry Views)
- Young Chemists Fearlessly Crossing Borders (2015, Chemistry Views)
- EYCN: Ten Years Connecting Young Chemists (2015, Chemistry Views)
- Introducing the European Young Chemists’ Network (2012, Chemistry Views)