The EuChemS Award for Service acknowledges outstanding commitment with regard to fostering Chemistry in Europe and the goals of EuChemS.
The call for nominations is closed.
Recipients of the EuChemS Award for Service
2023 EuChemS Award for Service

Prof. Hartmut Frank, Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at the University of Bayreuth until his retirement in 2008, was a founding member of the Working Party on Ethics in Chemistry (WP EIC). He served two terms as Chair of the WP EIC, until Oct. 2021, committd to promote the goals of EuChemS for ethical behaviour in science and technology. With more than 30 years of experience as organizer, convener or invited plenary speaker at first line international and national conferences, workshops or forums, and scientific advisor for OPCW, he succeeded to join not only representatives of EuChemS members concerned with the professional responsibility of chemists as actors with a great impact on society and a sustainable development, but also prominent personalities engaged in the specific field of the WP EIC.
His research includes not only valuable contributions in his own scientific interest in the field of metabolism and toxicology of chlorinated solvents and air pollutants, but also position papers on topics at the intersection of chemistry and applied professional ethics, e.g. sustainable development for a general welfare, the role of universities for an ethical education in science and professional integrity, the prohibition of chemical weapons and the relation between science, technology, culture and politics

Dr Robert Parker served for over 10 years as a member of the EuChemS Executive Board. His collegiate and supportive approach helped to advance joint actions of the Board.
His contributions were key to the delivery of the EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Liverpool. The event was not only a highlight but also a key milestone for EuChemS in terms of organising a successful high level and complex event. Dr Parker shared the process and templates afterwards and these greatly aided in the organisation of future congresses.He contributed to inclusion and diversity of the chemical sciences in Europe, as an active member of the EuChemS I&D Task Group until 2022, championing women in chemistry-specifically through the IUPAC Global Women’s breakfast. Through his role as CEO of the RSC and member of the EuChemS Executive Board, he greatly supported the establishment of an independent platform to guarantee a safe environment for everyone, leading to The Burlington Consensus, which aims to influence the formation of a UN independent intergovernmental science-policy panel for chemicals, waste and pollution prevention. Dr Parker promoted a session of the UN Environmental Assembly, examining the role of chemistry in 14 resolutions and supported a panel discussion in Lisbon.
The EuChemS Award for Service will be presented to them at the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.
2021 EuChemS Award for Service

Dr. Livia Simon Sarkadi is a full professor and head of the Doctoral School of Food Science at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the president of the Hungarian Chemical Society since 2011, and she was an EuChemS executive board member until 2021, with more than 2 decades of experience of working with the society. As a researcher, she contributed to Food Quality and Food Safety sciences, with a particular emphasis on amino acids and biogenic amines, and onbiochemical aspects of abiotic plant stress by authoring/co-authoring more than 200 scientific papers.
Apart from her scientific contributions, she also promoted international collaboration and equality in the chemical sciences. As the first female president of the Hungarian Chemistry Society, she focused on strengthening connections with other national and international chemistry organisations across Europe. She is the editor of the book “European Women in Chemistry”. Her work was also recognised by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, as she is an awardee of the “IUPAC 2015 Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Award”.
Her EuChemS Award for Service was presented to her at the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal.
2020 EuChemS Award for Service

Antonio Laganà is a retired Professor from the University of Perugia, Italy. He is also a former member of the EuChemS Executive Board and served two terms as the chair of the EuChemS Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. He has been a representative of the University of Perugia at the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) for more than 20 years, and has been member of the Administrative council, and subsequently Vice-president and President of the related association (2003-2009).
Professor Laganà has contributed to the chemistry community in Europe and beyond with both his scientific achievements and services to the community. Author of 400 papers and 15 books, he also served on the editorial board of journals and organised several scientific conferences. He was the driving force behind the COMPCHEM Virtual Organization which allowed the participation of the computational chemistry community in major European projects, like the EGEE III and EGI-Inspire managed by CERN and EGI. In addition, he is the founding editor of the online scientific magazine VIRT&L-COMM which offers “a forum for work carried out by Virtual Innovation, Research, Teaching & Learning Communities”.
He has played an important role in the success of the Erasmus Mundus Master TCCM (Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling) programme as it provides training for computational chemists at an international level.

Jan Mehlich is a science and technology ethicist with an educational background in Chemistry. His academic interest is in value co-creation processes and the role of scientists, engineers, designers and other innovators in the discourse on sustainable scientific and technological progress. He is also a member of the EuChemS Working Party on Ethics in Chemistry.
He has developed an on-line course, Good Chemistry-Methodological, Ethical, and Social Implications, worth 2 ECTS Credits and now available on the EuChemS Moodle platform. All the content has been developed by him, with help from the EuChemS Division of Chemical Education.
This e-course aims to contribute to an integral education on good and ethical chemistry practices for students, as they are important future enactors of progress and influential decision-makers in academia, industry, and society. Its content relates to science conduct, logic and theory of science, experimentation, professional and public communication of science, risk and uncertainty, sustainability, and social impact of chemical activity. Around 400 students registered for this free online course, thus contributing to the dissemination of ethical chemistry conduct, the increasing impact of EuChemS’ activities and the enhancement of chemistry and EuChemS’ profile.
The award was presented to them at the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal.
2019 EuChemS Award for Service

Ehud Keinan, throughout his exceptional years of work for EuChemS as an Executive Board member from 2011 to 2015, successfully managed to broaden and increase the impact of EuChemS’ activities and to enhance the profile of Chemistry and EuChemS.
Eihud Keinan is the President of the Israelian Chemical Society since 2008 and Professor of Chemistry at the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. His research areas include biocatalysis with antibodies and with synthetic enzymes, organic synthesis, molecular-computing, supra-molecular chemistry, improvised explosives and drug discovery.
2018 EuChemS Award for Service

Francesco De Angelis
The EuChemS Award for Service 2018 was awarded to Professor Francesco de Angelis in recognition of his outstanding commitment and hard work in fostering chemistry in Europe, along with the activities and goals of EuChemS. Throughout his exceptional years of work for EuChemS, both as Treasurer, Member of the Executive Board and through other roles, he successfully managed to broaden and increase the impact of EuChemS’ activities and to enhance the profile of chemistry and EuChemS. His impressive contribution and work for national and international bodies, from his role as President of the Italian Chemical Society, President of the ECTN, and playing a major part in the 41st IUPAC congress and other high-profile events, has significantly shaped the image of Chemistry in Europe and promoted the visibility of EuChemS more widely.

Sergio Facchetti
The EuChemS Award for Service 2018 was awarded to Professor Sergio Facchetti in recognition of his outstanding passion and hard work in fostering chemistry in Europe, along with the activities and goals of EuChemS. Through an exceptional 47 years of continuous work for EuChemS and its predecessor FECS, he successfully managed to broaden and increase the impact of EuChemS’ activities and to enhance the profile of chemistry and EuChemS, as well as the CNC. From originating the lead isotope experiments which eventually led to the banning of lead in fuels, to founding the Division of Chemistry and the Environment, to his major lectures and debates during the EXPO Milan, Sergio Facchetti significantly shaped the image of Chemistry in Europe and promoted the visibility of EuChemS ever more widely.

Reiner Salzer
The EuChemS Award for Service 2018 was awarded to Professor Reiner Salzer in recognition of his enthusiasm, commitment and hard work in fostering chemistry in Europe, along with the activities and goals of EuChemS. Both during his career and in retirement, he has continued to support, share and encourage EuChemS’ activities as well as promote chemistry in education and in particular, in analytical chemistry. Through the coordination of the European Chemistry Employment Surveys, as well as the project ‘’Global Standards in Teaching Chemistry at University Level’’, to mention just two major examples, Reiner Salzer has significantly helped enhance the visibility of EuChemS and managed to bring together scientists from across Europe to work and think together.
The award was presented at the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress 2018 in Liverpool, UK.
2015 EuChemS Award for Service
Helena Grennberg

Professor Helena Grennberg is a Professor of Organic Chemistry at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research interests include topics from organometallic chemistry, organic nanomaterials and catalysis. Helena Grennberg served the chemical community in Europe in many respects. Among the prominent positions she held are chairperson of the EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry, member of the EuChemS Executive Board (2007-2013), Scientific Chair of the 5th European Chemistry Congress in Istanbul 2014, President of the Swedish Chemical Society (since 2012). She has a clear and forward-looking vision, a broad perspective and well-defined positions for many issues relevant to the chemical community in Europe. Her critical approach to solving problems, her reliability and the combination of team-player as well as leadership abilities contributed to a high degree to shaping the profile of EuChemS.
The award ceremony for Prof. Grennberg took place during the 6th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Seville, Spain, 11 – 15 September 2016.
Anthony Smith

Professor Anthony Smith has a key role in establishing, organizing, and co-ordinating the European Chemistry Thematic Network ECTN (later European Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education Network, EC2E2N) from 1996 onwards. This included six successful proposals within the EU Socrates frame, each for a 3-year-funding from the European Commission in series. The network represents a large consortium with 109 partners from 28 EU countries, the Republic of Serbia and Macedonia), and third countries. The partners include universities, national chemical societies, the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), EuChemS, spin-off companies, and one of the seven institutes (IRMM) of the EC Joint Research Centre. Thus the consortium brings together all the actors in chemistry/chemical engineering in Europe, and, through the membership of the partner associations, has access to virtually all chemists in Europe.
The award was given to Prof. Smith by Prof. Franco De Angelis, on behalf of EuChemS, on the 25 April 2016 at the ECTN General Assembly in Gdańsk.
2014 EuChemS Award for Service
Luis Oro
The winner of the 2014 EuChemS Award for Service is Prof. Luis Oro. Prof. Oro served EuChemS for six years as President Elect, President and Past President. His presidency was based on the idea of creating a European identity among chemical societies and thus he pursued and fulfilled two major goals: the development and execution of the EuChemS strategy 2009-2013 and establishment of EuChemS as an independent organization in Brussels.
The award was given at the 5th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Istanbul.
2012 EuChemS Award for Service
Hans-Joachim Freund
Prof. Freund, one of the most renowned physical chemists in Germany, is one of the founding members of the Scientific Council (SC) of the European Research Council (ERC) and the only chemistry representative among the 22 members of the Scientific Council. Prof. Freund’s term began in 2005 and will end by end of this year.
Hans-Joachim Freund has been an outspoken supporter of chemistry in the Scientific Council. In addition, he is a strong and consequent proponent of the “excellence only” criterion for the selection of the ERC grant awardees and of fair but strict reviewing processes of the proposals. As a member of the SC he was involved in the selection of the members of the evaluation panels PE4 and PE5, particularly relevant for chemistry.
Prof. Freund’s role in the Scientific Council was decisive for the success of the ERC, which is probably one of the most encouraging and successful developments in the European Research Area.
Ulrich Schubert, EuChemS President, presented the EuChemS Award for Service to Hans-Joachim Freund on November 16, 2012.
2011 José Empis, Evelyn McEwan
José Empis, was Board member of the Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS) playing an active role in the transformation into the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuChemS). He then became the first treasurer of EuChemS efficiently organizing this activity.
He was a Portuguese delegate for many years to the Working Party on Food Chemistry (later Food Chemistry Division) helping to create a European community in the area of Food Chemistry, leading to an increased number of collaborations between scientists in different countries and organizing successful conferences. He also represented his country as a delegate to the food area R&D Committee for the 6th and 7th EU Framework Programs, and a member of the EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research and of the Board of CIHEAM. In all his European responsibilities he acted strongly toward achieving the strategic aims of EuChemS and to benefit the European cooperation in chemistry.
José Empis is a retired professor at Departamento de Engenharia Química, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, working in processing and preservation of food, and food ingredients quality, and of the development of novel foods and ingredients. He was President of the Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas (2002-2006).
For her outstanding contribution to restructuring of FECS to EuChemS
Evelyn McEwan has played a pivotal and outstanding role on the construction of EuChemS. She took a very active part in all discussions concerning the future course of (then) FECS, and (now) EuChemS. She actively pushed, influenced and supported all ideas leading to the present structure. She took care of all legal matters which had to be clarified and managed to clear all legal and administrative hurdles in Brussels most elegantly, playing a key role on the judicious wording of the EuChemS constitution.
She completely lived the role of General Secretary and she identified with FECS/EuChemS in an outstanding mode. The many facets of her work have made Evelyn an influential figure in European chemistry and beyond.
She has been a key actor on the promotion of ideas to raise awareness for the importance of chemistry in the Commission, the initiative for Parliamentary breakfasts, the promotion of chemistry on a broader basis through AllChemE, numerous workshops to foster relations between academia and industry under the auspices of AllChemE/CEFIC.
2010 Gábor Náray-Szabó, Giovanni Natile
Professor Gábor Náray-Szabó in recognition of his significant contribution to EuChemS and European cooperation in chemistry
Gábor Náray-Szabó played an active role in the EuChemS predecessor body, the Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS), serving as one of the joint General Secretaries 1987-1989. He chaired the Working Party Computational Chemistry from 1999 to 2002. In 2001 he was appointed President Elect of FECS and served as President from 2002-2005.
Gábor Náray-Szabó was influential in the transformation of FECS into the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences and achieved outstanding success as the initiator of the 1st EuChemS Chemistry Congress which was held in Budapest in 2006. This event launched the series of Congresses which take place every two years and are established as the main European forum for chemical and molecular sciences.
From 1983 to 1990 Gábor Náray-Szabó was Secretary General of the Hungarian Chemical Society; in 1990 he became President of the Society and held this position until 1997.
From 1973 he held positions in the CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works ( Budapest). He became Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the Eötvös Loránd University in 1991, later served as Deputy Secretary General of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, before becoming Director General of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Professor Giovanni Natile in recognition of his significant contribution to EuChemS and European cooperation in chemistry
Giovanni Natile served EuChemS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) for six years, initially as President Elect 2004-2005, then as President 2005-2008 and subsequently as immediate Past President. During his Presidency, EuChemS gained recognition in Europe as an influential voice for chemical and molecular sciences, representing 50 member societies, with a total of 150,000 individual members. In 2006 EuChemS was registered in Belgium as a legal entity.
Giovanni Natile presided at the EuChemS launch event at the European Parliament in July 2006, where EuChemS was presented to representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Under his guidance EuChemS expanded its role in developing EU policy and, in the fields of energy and sustainability, published important position papers. He strengthened relationships with sister organisations, including IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), CEFIC, and the American Chemical Society.
Giovanni Natile helped to lead the organisation of the EuChemS Chemistry Congresses in Budapest in 2006 and Torino in 2008, both successful events with over 2,000 participants and active participation of Nobel Laureates. To further strengthen EuChemS scientific activities, he encouraged the establishment of new Divisions and Working Parties. The EuChemS European Young Chemists Network was created and the European Young Chemist Award launched with sponsorship from the Società Chimica Italiana, a EuChemS member society.
Giovanni Natile served as President of the Società Chimica Italiana, 2002-2004. Since 1981, he has been Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Bari, Italy.
2007 Alfred Oberholz, Allan Astrup Jensen
Dr Alfred Oberholz in recognition of his significant contribution to European collaboration in sustainable chemistry
Alfred Oberholz has steered SusChem (European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry) to a position of significant influence in Europe. Under his chairmanship SusChem has done more than any other single group to raise the profile of chemistry in Europe.
SusChem seeks to boost chemistry and chemical engineering research, development and innovation in Europe. Together with the other SusChem board members, including representatives of three EuChemS member societies Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, DECHEMA and the Royal Society of Chemistry, and with support from CEFIC and EuropaBio, Alfred Oberholz has led successful efforts to obtain significant funding from the European Commission for SusChem and its major initiatives and visionary projects. Further information on SusChem is available on the web site www.suschem.org.
One measure of the success of SusChem is the increased visibility of chemistry in the EU Research Framework Programme and the large number of chemistry related projects coming through the process.Through the leadership of Alfred Oberholz, SusChem has achieved an understanding among EU decision makers that chemistry and chemical innovation are at the core of a sustainable economy in Europe.Alfred Oberholz is Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board of Evonik Degussa GmbH and Chairman of DECHEMA.
Dr Allan Astrup Jensen in recognition of his significant contribution to European cooperation in chemistry and the environment.
Dr Allan Astrup Jensen, Danish Chemical Society, has played a vital role in developing EuChemS activities in chemistry and the environment for over fifteen years.
Under the auspices of the EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment, Allan Jensen has stimulated actions to promote this important area of chemical sciences through the EuChemS member societies in over 30 countries in Europe. He has fostered contacts with the European Commission and other agencies in matters concerning chemistry and the environment, including green/sustainable chemistry, and promoted EuChemS views to EU decision makers.
Through the work of the Division, he has been instrumental in encouraging cooperation on environmental issues between EuChemS and other international organisations such as IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and ISO (International Standards Organisation).
He has driven the development of the successful series of biennial meetings: International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, the next event being the 12th conference in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14 – 17 June 2009. He is currently serving as convener of the scientific session on Greenhouse Gases to be held during the 2nd EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Torino, Italy, on 16-20 September 2008.
Allan Jensen has been the representative of the Danish Chemical Society on the EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment since 1990 and chaired the Division from 1997 to 2003.
2006 Peter Kündig
Peter Kündig made an exceptional contribution to the success of the 1 st European Chemistry Congress, held in Budapest in August 2006. As co-chair of the Congress Scientific Committee, Peter Kündig worked with represent atives of the chemistry community across Europe to develop and deliver a high quality scientific programme which attracted nearly 2,500 participants. His vision for the Congress, t he first event of its kind, and his dedication were key factors in ensuring the success of this major EuChemS initiative. As the current Chair of the EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry, Peter Kündig is also a member of the EuChemS Executive Committee. Peter Kündig is Director of the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Geneva, Switzerland where he heads a research group active in the area organic synthesis and catalysis with transition metals. He is an organiser of the annual ‘Bürgenstock’ conferences on stereochemistry and a member of the Editorial Boards of Helvetica Chimica Acta and of Chemical Communications and of the Advisory Boards of a number of other high-profile chemistry journals. Further information is available on http://www.unige.ch/sciences/chiorg/kundig/.
2005 Reto Battaglia
Reto Battaglia received the EuChemS Award for Service during the 1 st European Chemistry Congress, in August 2006, in Budapest. Reto Battaglia has made an exceptional contribution to the transformation of FECS (the former Federation of European Chemical Societies) into EuChemS, a transformation which has great significance for the representation of the 50 chemical societies in Europe and their 150,000 members, and is of fundamental importance for future European cooperation for the benefit of chemical sciences. A Past President of EuChemS (1999-2002) and a member of the EuChemS Executive Committee, Reto Battaglia has also held office as Chair of the EuChemS Food Chemistry Division, having served as a member since 1981. Reto Battaglia is the Director of Swiss Quality Testing Services, the quality control laboratories owned by Migros in Switzerland. He is a member of the Board of the Swiss Chemical Society and lectures at ETH Zurich where is responsible for the course ‘Quality Assurance in Food Processing and Trade’ for students of Food Science. The 1 st European Chemistry Congress, in Budapest on 27-31 August 2006, aims to be a showcase for chemical sciences in Europe, bringing together chemical and molecular scientists from industry, academia and government institutions across Europe and from around the world.
2004 Jean-Marie Lehn
Jean-Marie Lehn received the EuChemS Award for Service during the 10th Anniversary celebration of Chemistry: a European Journal on Friday 15 April 2005 at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.
Jean-Marie Lehn is Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the 1st European Chemistry Congress. The Congress will bring together chemical and molecular scientists from industry, academia and government institutions across Europe, and create a showcase for the latest research in chemical sciences. EuChemS believes that academia and industry can work together in a concerted way to stimulate the competitiveness of European industry and help to achieve Europe’s vision of a sustainable and competitive, knowledge-based economy. The Congress was held on 27-31 August 2006 in Budapest.
Jean Marie Lehn is an enthusiastic contributor to many European chemical science initiatives, including the creation of pan-European chemistry journals such as “Chemistry – A European Journal”, which are jointly owned by many European chemical societies. He was one of the sponsors of the AllChemE publication “Chemistry: Europe and the future”.
Jean-Marie Lehn received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1987 for the development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity. He is a passionate promoter of chemistry to young people, regularly giving lectures to pupils at high schools in France.
Jean-Marie Lehn is Director of the Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, http://www-isis.u-strasbg.fr/supra/
His scientific work, over twenty years with about 150 collaborators from over 20 countries, has been described in about 400 publications and review papers. Over the years he has been visiting Professor at other institutions, including ETH Zürich, the Universities of Cambridge, Barcelona and Frankfurt.
2003 Leiv Sydnes, Wilhelm Fresenius
The FECS Award for Service 2003 has been presented to Professor Leiv Sydnes, Norwegian Chemical Society, in recognition of his significant contribution to European cooperation in chemistry and public appreciation of chemistry. The Awa rd, consisting of a medal and a scroll, was presented to Leiv Sydnes at the General Assembly of FECS member societies in Barcelona, Spain , in October . Leiv Sydnes has been instrumental in developing the education al and professional activities of FECS and in promoting the European Chemist designation. He is recognised for his contribution to the public appreciation of chemistry , focus ing on bringing the excitement and value of chemistry to children and to society in general . He has given numerous public le ctures and has made prime – time television program me s for the general public on chemistry – related topics . He has been involved in FECS for 10 years, serving as a member of the Executive Committee, as Vice – Chairman of the former European Communities Chemis try Council and as Chairman of the European Chemist Registration Board. Leiv Sydnes is currently President Elect of IUPAC, ( International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ) and will take over as its President on 1 January 2004. He has served as Presiden t of the Norwegian Chemical Society 1992 – 96. Leiv Sydnes has been Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway since 1993 and was previously, from 1980, at the University of Tromsø . His research is currently concentrated on organic synthesis with empha sis on the application of cyclopropane chemistry and photochemistry to introduce useful structures into organic molecules.
A FECS Award for Service has been presented to Professor Wilhelm Fresenius, German Chemical Society, in recognition of his significant contribution to European cooperation in analytical chemistry . The Award, consisting of a medal and a scroll, was presented to Wilhelm Fresenius at headquarters of the German Chemical Society in Frankfurt in November. Wilhelm Fresenius has achieved great success in promoting chemistry, particularly analytical chemistry, in support of his goal of str engthening European cooperation beyond national borders and disciplines. For many years Wilhelm Fresenius was in charge of the ‘Europa Fachhochschule Fresenius’ which is an outstanding example of success in broadening the perspectives of younger generati ons of scientists and engineers in cooperation and mutual understanding. The renowned analytical journal named after his family, which he edited for decades, has merged with other journals and constitute s an impressive contribution towards the European res earch area. Wilhelm Fresenius has been involved with the FECS Division of Analytical Chemistry since its foundation in 1972 , giving support to the Euroanalysis series of conferences – the 13 th Euroanalysis will be held i n Salamanca in September 2004 – an d act ing as Editor of the Proceedings . His example and his warm – hearted encouragement has been a major force in motivat ing his colleagues in pursuit of European cooperation in chemistry.
2002 Michael Gagan
The FECS Award for Service 2002 was presented to Dr Michael Gagan , Royal Society of Chemistry, in recognition of his significant contribution to European cooperation in chemical education, particularly in his capacity as Chairman of t he FECS Division of Chemical Education. The Award, consisting of a medal and a scroll, was presented to him at the Meeting of Presidents of FECS member societies in Poznan, Poland. Michael Gagan served as Chairman/Convenor of the FECS Division of Chemical Education from 1991 to 2002, developing its effective and influential role in chemical education in Europe . Under the auspices of FECS, he initiated the series of biennial European Conference s on Research in Chemical Education (ECRICE), the 6 th of which w as held in Portugal in 2001. He inaugurated the series of European Conference s in Chemical Education (ECCE), concerned with the practice of chemical education in Europe, complementing the ECRICE. He has overseen the publication of a position paper on Chemi cal Education Research, justifying its pursuit as an academic discipline , and many other papers on the development of chemical education in Europe. Michael Gagan has been Tutor/Lecturer at the Open University, UK, since 1977, where his major interests hav e included chemical education, particularly the design of laboratory experiments and the use of educational technology and multimedia in chemical education.
2001 David Bricknell
The FECS Award for Service was presented to Dr David J Bricknell in recognition of his services to FECS and , through AllChemE, to European cooperation in chemistry. At a lunch in London on 4 September hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, Dr Reto Battaglia, FECS President, presented a medal and scroll to David Bricknell. David Bricknell has for over 10 years promoted European cooperation in chemi stry and has supported FECS in its a im of acting in an advisory, consultative and representative capacity in relation to European institutions . In 1995, David Bricknell , as Director, Sciences and Technologies at CEFIC in Brussels, was one of the leaders, together with Professor Jon McClever ty and Professor Gilbert Balavoine, in the establishment of AllChemE 1 (Alliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe). He later ensured that key senior industrialists contributed to the first AllChemE publication Chemistry Europe & the future ( 1996), which was supported by Nobel Laureates Professor Jean – Marie Lehn and Professor Richard Ernst and was warmly received across Europe and translated into a number of other languages. Together with the FECS President and Gene ral Secretary, and the Chair men of COST Chemistry, CERC3, and EFCE, David Bricknell initiated a series of influential workshops hosted by CEFIC aimed at advising policy makers in EU institutions on the development of the European Research Area