The EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry awards a European Prize every other year, to coincide with the EuCOMC where the Prize winner is invited to give a Plenary Lecture. Initially named European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry, it has been renamed EuCheMS Division of Organometallic Chemistry Fischer-Wilkinson Prize in 2022. The Prize is awarded for a single piece of outstanding work or for a body of outstanding work primarily done in member countries of the European Union, including Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Israel. Nominations for work that has shaped, or will shape, the future of the subject are particularly welcome.
EuChemS-DOM Fischer-Wilkinson Prize 2023

Helmut Werner, University of Würzburg, Germany
Hermul Werner has been awarded the Prize in recognition of his outstanding contributions to organometallic chemistry, and in particular his ground-breaking work on kinetically labile and reactive ligands as well as metal-based basicity, which amongst others helped to develop late transition metal homogeneous catalysts.
European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry 2021

Pierre Braunstein, University of Strasbourg, France
Pierre Braunstein has received the Prize in recognition of his outstanding contributions to organometallic chemistry and catalysis. His work has profoundly influenced modern organometallic chemistry and its cognate disciplines including pioneering work in a large diversity of areas such as cluster chemistry, small molecule activation, hemilability, and electronic cooperativity, as well as the application of these fundamental principles to catalysis and spintronics.
European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry 2019

Ernesto Carmona, University of Sevilla, Spain
Ernesto Carmona has received the Prize for his highly diverse research focusing on many aspects of organometallic chemistry with the majority of metals in the periodic table. The examples of most valuable fundamental science comprise activation of small unsaturated molecules, selective activation of C-H bonds, C-C-bond forming reactions, alkyl and aryl Ni and Pd complexes for polymerization, and detailed mechanistic and structural investigations including the first example of a stable molecular compound of zinc that contains a Zn-Zn bond.
European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry 2017

David Milstein, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
David Milstein, Israel Matz Professor of Organic Chemistry at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel has received the Prize for his seminal work in several areas of organometallic chemistry during the last four decades. He has shown, many times for the first time, how the insertion of transition metal complexes into chemical bonds can activate them towards uncommon transformations and form the basis for the design of new catalytic reactions and new synthetic methodology. He has also developed a number of new transformational homogeneous catalysis reactions many times based on metal-ligand cooperation.
European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry 2015

Malcom L. H. Green, Oxford University, UK.
Malcolm L. H. Green, Emeritus Professor at Oxford University, UK has received the Prize for his outstanding contributions to the field of organometallic chemistry including pioneering studies of molybdenocene and tungstenocene systems, novel methods for molecular inorganic synthesis, for catalysis and for carbon materials as well as fundamental studies of alpha- and beta-hydrogen migratory insertions and C-H bond activations – the well-established term agostic interaction was conceived by professor Green.