6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, I wish to inform you that the 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry will be held on 3-6 September 2023 in Salerno (Italy).
It is a pleasure that after 4 years of obvious difficulties, we have the chance to meet in person during this central event for the community of researchers involved in all the different aspects of sustainability.
The conference will feature an excellent line-up of plenary and keynote speakers that will bring a recent view of all the areas of research that are crucial for the development of a green and sustainable chemistry.
For more information, please see the message below or visit the conference website: https://6eugsc.org/
Additional details will follow concerning all the deadlines, travel and lodging.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 6th EuGSC and have a fruitful and enjoyable conference.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee.
Luigi Vaccaro (Chair of the 6th EuGSC), Carmine Capacchione (Chair of the Organizing Committee), Giulia Licini (Chair of the Italian group of GCCS. SCI), and Ana Aguiar Ricardo, President of the EuDGSC

A report on the 5th EUGSC conference from Thessaloniki, September 2021 can be found at this link, and some images from the virtual conference are shown below

9th Sustainable Chemistry Webinar

October 19th 4.00 pm CET – register HERE
5th EUGSC conference from Thessaloniki, September 2021.

5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (5th EuGSC)
International Conference on Green Chemistry
The 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, organized by the Association of Greek Chemists (AGC) in collaboration with the IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD) and the Hellenic Green Chemistry Network will take place in Athens, Greece between 18th – 22nd October 2020 has been postponed to Sept/Oct 2022
The IUPAC International Conferences on Green Chemistry (ICGCs) gather several hundreds of scientists, technologists, and experts from all over the world with the aim of exchanging and disseminating new ideas and discoveries, and promoting collaborations within the frame of green chemistry, sustainable development and the circular economy.
ICGC-9 is the 9th of the series of IUPAC conferences on green chemistry, the first having been organized in Germany (2006), followed by Russia (2008), Canada (2010), Brazil (2012), South Africa (2014), Italy (2016), Russia (2017) and Thailand (2018).
More information and instructions regarding the call for abstracts, venue, deadlines, etc. are available at the conference webpage: http://www.greeniupac2020.org/
Please mark your calendar
October 18-22, 2020 for the 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry.
We look forward to welcoming you to Athens and to a fruitful and enjoyable conference.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Prof. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis
Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.: +30 2310 997730; E-mail: ktrianta[at]chem.auth.gr
Chair of the Organizing Committee