EuChemS answered the European Commission Consultation on the UWWTD

Aug 16, 2021

The European Chemical Society, EuChemS, has recently responded to the public consultation on the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) launched by the European Commission.

EuChemS participated in this consultation to address the main challenges of the UWWTD through its wide expertise in chemistry. EuChemS proposed solutions for storm water overflows, smaller agglomerations adaptation, Individual or Other Appropriate Systems (IAS), sensitive areas, micropollutants, industrial discharges, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants (UWWTP).

The next step for the European Commission is the preparation of the adoption of the legislation final version, which is expected during the first quarter of 2022. Implementation should start late 2022, beginning 2023.

You can read EuChemS’ complete response here. The EuChemS response was coordinated by the EuChemS Secretariat, with Timothée Jourdain taking the lead under the supervision of Nineta Hrastelj, EuChemS Secretary General.