EuChemS answered the European Commission Roadmap on the Data Act

Jul 12, 2021

The European Chemical Society, EuChemS, has recently answered to the roadmap on the Data Act & amended rules on the legal protection of databases put forward by the European Commission.

The ‘Data Act’ is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to foster business-to-government data sharing for the public interest and foster B2B data sharing while respecting current EU data protection rules.

EuChemS built its answer on its expertise within the High Level Expert Group Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) and welcomed this initiative as this future legislation will further boost the implementation of Open Access and Open Science within the EU, hence improving scientific data sharing. Emphasis was given on the necessity for the Data Act to comply with the current EU IPR policies in place (i.e. GDPR, ePrivacy Dir. 2002/58/EC, etc.).

EuChemS is currently preparing its reply to the public consultation.

EuChemS’ Erasmus+ trainee contributed in the preparation of this response.