ExTech is the most important event series in the growing fields of sample preparation, extraction technologies, and sample clean-up techniques. The idea of creating this worldwide conference started in 1999 by Professor Janusz Pawliszyn (University of Waterloo, Canada). Since then, the symposium has been annually held in different cities around the world. This year that corresponds with the 25th edition, ExTech2023 will be held in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) from 18th to 21st of July 2023.
The ExTech2023 program will highlight a wide range of technologies based on analytical separations, covering recent improvements in analytical (micro)extraction, sample preparation techniques, and their hyphenation with chromatography, mass spectrometry and related techniques. Please, visit our website to see a full list of the topics of the conference: extech2023.ull.es/about.htm
The symposium is structured in four consecutive days starting with a full-day course on Green Sample Preparation. This course if followed by three days of conference with plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral communications (for both young and senior scholars), and vendor seminars. Professor Janusz Pawliszyn (University of Waterloo, Canada), Professor Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard (University of Oslo, Norway), Professor Jared L. Anderson (Iowa State University, USA), and Professor Marisol Cárdenas (University of Córdoba, Spain) are some of the highly recognized researchers that has confirmed their attendance to the conference and will present plenary lectures. The full list of confirmed speakers can be found in this link: extech2023.ull.es/speakers.htm.
In addition, poster sessions and vendor exhibitions will be hosted during the whole conference.
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Pirámide de Arona Conference Center Pirámide de Arona Conference Center, Cleopatra Palace Hotel, Mare Nostrum Resort, Avda. Las Américas, S/N, 38650 Playa de las Américas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SPAIN - Tenerife Events
You can register, and find up-to-date information about the event, speakers, deadlines and the venue below: