Young Investigator Award 2023
The award has been granted to Prof. Oliver Dumele (HU Berlin) for his contributions to the fields of supramolecular materials, aromatic macrocycles and photoswitches.
Highlighting organic chemistry in Ireland – June 10th 2022
The second webinar in our new series of highlighting organic chemistry across Europe focuses on Ireland. Registration via
Highlighting organic chemistry in Italy – March 25th 2022
The first webinar in our new series of highlighting organic chemistry across Europe focuses on Italy. Registration via
Call for nominations for the YIW 2021 and 2022 opened
The two editions of the Young Investigator Workshop (YIW) of 2021 and 2022 will be organized as a joint event to be held in Lisbon in connection with the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress. The national representatives of the member societies were invited for nominations.Call for nominations for the YIW 2021 and 2022 opened
Young Investigator Award 2020
The award has been granted to Prof. Daniele Leonori (University of Manchester, UK) for the discovery, design and development of novel photoredox catalytic methods for chemical synthesis and in particular for his photochemical dehydrogenative strategies. The award ceremony will take place during the 12th edition of the Young Investigator Workshop later this year.
Young Investigator Workshop 2020
The 12th edition of the Young Investigator Workshop will be organised by the Catalan Chemical Society by Prof. Anton Vidal in Barcelona from 25 November – 26 November 2021.
Young Investigator Award 2019
The award has been granted to Dr. Marcos GarcÃa Suero (ICIQ, Spain) for his significant and innovative discoveries in photoredox catalysis, and particularly for his studies on the generation of carbyne equivalents for late stage functionalization of aromatic compounds, and of radical carbenoids for the stereoconvergent formation of cyclopropanes. The award ceremony took place during the 11th edition of the Young Investigator Workshop.
Young Investigator Workshop 2019 Final Programme available
The Final Programme is online.
Young Investigator Workshop 2019 in Vienna
The 2019 edition of the Young Investigator Workshop will be hosted by professor Vittorio Pace at the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (University of Vienna) from July 11-13 2019.
New President of the EuChemS Division of Organic Chemistry
As of September 1st 2018, Prof. Gianluca Farinola (University of Bari) is the newly elected president of the EuChemS Division of Organic Chemistry.
Prof. Berit Olofsson (University of Stockholm) takes up the role of secretary and Prof. Michael Schnürch (TU Wien) agreed to be the new treasurer.
EuChemS 2018 Young Investigator Award Winner

The Young Investigator Award 2018 has been presented to Dr Allan J B Watson, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, UK.
EuChemS 2017 Young Investigator Award Winner

The Young Investigator Award 2017 was presented to Dr SÃlvia Osuna, Institut de QuÃmica Computacional i Catà lisi (IQCC), University of Girona, Spain.
At the 20th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 2017), 2nd– 6th July 2017, Cologne, Germany.
Sponsored by the European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
EuChemS Newsletter – February 2016
21/12/2015: Prof. Gouverneur featured on page 3. Read more
New President of EuChemS OC
12/07/2015 : Professor Véronique Gouverneur from the University of Oxford (UK) is the newly elected President of the EuChemS Organic Division.