6th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC-6)
It is a great honour and pleasure for us to invite you cordially to participate in the 6th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference, which will be held on September 3 – 7, 2023, at the TU Wien / Austria. This series of meetings has been initiated in 2011 and since then developed to a true European event organized every two years.
Ideally located in the center of Europe, Vienna has a long-standing tradition as a major conference site since the “Congress of Vienna” in 1815. Its unique atmosphere will provide inspiration for a fruitful scientific meeting, and the participants will have ample time to enjoy a wealth of culture and historical places in and around Austria’s capital city.
Thematically, EICC-6 will highlight modern trends in:
- Coordination & Supramolecular Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry & Catalysis
- Magnetochemistry
- Energy & Photochemistry
- Green & Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Inorganic Materials & Nanoparticles
- Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry
- Nuclear Chemistry
(22-05-2023 Update)
We are pleased to inform that the scientific contributions of the 6th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC6) (organized in Vienna from September 3-7, 2023) are now online at https://eicc6.at/program.
The conference offers an excellent opportunity to explore and discuss all aspects of inorganic chemistry. It features 24 plenary and invited lectures presented by some of the leading scientists in the field, over 70 contributed talks and more than 150 poster presentations.
Registration to the conference has already started and the early bird fee will be available until June 4, 2023.
We look forward to seeing you in Vienna.
Peter Weinberger and Karl Kirchner
Chairmen of 6th EICC
5th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC-5)
date: June 24-28 2019
location: Moscow, Russia
Conference topics
The conference will be organized in parallel sessions covering broadly
* Coordination and supramolecular chemistry
* Catalysis and organometallic chemistry
* Transition metal and main group chemistry
* f-Block chemistry
* Reaction mechanisms
* Computational chemistry
* Medicinal and bioinorganic chemistry
* Magnetochemistry
* Energy and photochemistry
* Inorganic and organoelement materials
The conference program will include plenary, invited and keynote lectures, oral, flash and poster presentations.
08-05-2017 The EuChemS Inorganic Division would like to announce new representatives:
Professor Sanja Grguric Sipka nominated by the Serbian Chemical Society
and Professor Michael Whittlesey as the RSC representative.
The EuChemS Inorganic Division (EID) and the Danish Chemical Society join to host the fourth edition of the European conference series in Inorganic Chemistry:
4th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference – EICC-4
date: July 2-5 2017location: Kopenhagen, Denmark
Subject areas:
- Coordination chemistry
- Catalysis
- Organometallic chemistry
- Nanoparticles and nanocatalysis
- Magnetochemistry
- Energy and photochemistry
- Bioinorganic and metalloenzymes
- Inorganic materials
- Physical properties and techniques