Mines of Almaden, Spain

Home » Awards » EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award » Mines of Almaden, Spain

The Mines of Almaden have been awarded the EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award in recognition of the role it played in the history of chemistry and European sense of belonging between people and ideas. Almadén is located in the province of Ciudad Real (Castilla-La Mancha region), in Spain. Almadén is a typical example of historic mining site producing mercury. These mines have an essential role in the history of humanity, from ancient times up to the present day.

The mines of Almaden are one of the world’s most important natural deposits of their kind. Furthermore, significant mercury production volume has been achieved in these mines, where it has also been preserved. Over the centuries, they used and retained materials of all the processes, methods, techniques and components needed for the production of mercury. Their trade, know-how, money and culture had an impact on a global scale. These mines teach us on the evolution of the scientific, technological and technical methods and procedures directly linked with the production and distribution of mercury.

The unveiling of the plaque took place on 15 September 2021. The ceremony was preceded by a symposium on the history of the mines and the mercury element. EuChemS President, Floris Rutjes, unveiled the plaque at the entrance of the mine.

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