EuChemS Statement on the use of Chemical Weapons in Syria
Following indications of chemical weapons having recently been used in the Syrian conflict, EuChemS has issued a statement deploring the use of any and all chemical weapons. We reinforce our commitment to the declaration we issued in Seville in 2016, since...
Syrian Conflict – EuChemS Condemns Use of Chemical Weapons
The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, EuChemS, condemns in the strongest possible terms the continuing use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict. It calls on the perpetrators to be tried for War Crimes at the earliest possible moment. The...
Why Ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention is in Israel’s Best Interest
In its ongoing action of "Chemists Against Chemical Weapons", Prof. David Cole-Hamilton, EuChemS President, and Prof. Ehud Keinen, President of the Israel Chemical Society have recently authored an article about why ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention is in...
Chemists Urge Israel to Ban Chemical Weapons
The President of the Israeli Chemical Society has published an open letter to the Prime-Minister of Israel urging the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Israel, Egypt, Southern Sudan (who plan to sign) and North Korea are the only countries of the 196...
Chemists Against Chemical Weapons
On the occasion of the 100 years of the first mass use of chemical weapons, EuChemS published the press release "EuChemS Press Release 100 years Ypres". In this press release, EuChemS recalls the horrors and errors that took place in Ypres on the 22nd April 1915 and...
The Rare Earth Elements; These high tech enablers
This European Parliamentary meeting/webinar is part of a series where we focus on various aspects of individual chemical elements and is a result of our EuChemS Periodic Table highlighting element availability, vulnerability and sustainability. The...
Women scientists at the forefront of global conflicts
EuChemS’s 2023 GWB event focused on the historical context of what roles women played in research areas relevant to conflict and crisis, such as nuclear and radiochemistry. The event also examined contemporary efforts from woman researchers in fighting against chemical warfare, amongst other topics.
EuChemS Positions
Positions, Open Letters and responses to Public Consultations EuChemS harnesses the views of experts across its member societies, based on which it provides expert, science-based responses to Public Consultations and develops policy positions which are based on the...
Chemistry in Europe 2017-2 is now online!
The second 2017 issue of EuChemS newsletter Chemistry in Europe (CiE) is now online.This CiE issue covers, amongst other, the Open Science Policy Platform, EuChemS recent press release on the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict, chemistry and circular...
BNU April is Now Online
The latest issue of Brussels News Updates is now online. Some of this month´s highlights are: • Glyphosate • Chemical Weapons • Conflict Minerals