EuChemS Statement on the use of Chemical Weapons in Syria

Apr 11, 2018

Following indications of chemical weapons having recently been used in the Syrian conflict, EuChemS has issued a statement deploring the use of any and all chemical weapons.

We reinforce our commitment to the declaration we issued in Seville in 2016, since unfortunately our statements then are even more urgent today.

The EuChemS Seville declaration reads:

“We, the Member Societies of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuChemS), deplore the use of chlorine in the Syrian conflict or any other and call upon the international community to bring to justice those responsible for the misuse of chlorine.” Moreover, ”Those who do use chlorine as a weapon should be prosecuted for war crimes”.

The declaration was signed by 36 Presidents of Chemical Societies or their representatives from all over Europe.

The Press Release is available here.
The Seville declaration is available here.