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Guidelines for Divisions and Working Parties
- Introduction
1.1 EuChemS is a non-profit-making organisation, with the legal status of ‘aisbl’ (Association international sans but lucrative) in Belgium. Its objectives are to promote the advancement of chemical sciences and the practice of chemistry in Europe, increase the visibility of chemistry at the European level by speaking with a single voice, to create European “corporate identity” among the chemical societies and to present chemistry as an essential and indispensible provider of solutions to global challenges to European and international organizations.
1.2 EuChemS seeks to achieve its objectives, among other means, by establishing Divisions and Working Parties (Constitution paragraph 5.6), that should promote active collaboration within the area of interest.
1.3 Divisions and Working Parties shall not make decisions contrary to these Guidelines without prior approval by the Executive Board.
1.4 Divisions and Working Parties are integral part of EuChemS aisbl and must act in accordance with the EuChemS constitution.
1.5 For the successful running of a Division or Working Party, EuChemS relies on its member societies to
- encourage and support their delegate to participate fully in the work of the Division or Working Party
- distribute information provided by their delegate on the Division’s or Working Party’s activities
1.6 Member societies are responsible, where necessary, for the travel and subsistence costs incurred by the delegates, but it is hoped that expenses may sometimes be borne by employers, or by other means.
- Formation of Divisions and Working Parties
2.1 Divisions and Working Parties promote active collaboration, maintain effective communication, and disseminate chemical knowledge among chemists in Europe working in a broad area of chemistry; e.g. by preparing progress reports, investigating important problems and suggesting topics for symposia.
2.2 A proposal to establish a Division must have the active participation of at least 20 EuChemS member societies. A proposal to establish a Working Party must have the active participation of at least five EuChemS member societies.
2.3 Decisions on the establishment of a Division or of a Working Party are made by the General Assembly on a recommendation by the Executive Board.
2.4 A formal proposal defining the objectives and giving detailed arguments for the formation of a Division can be submitted to the Executive Board by
- at least one third of member societies or
- five members of the Executive Board or
- individual members from at least 20 EuChemS member societies or
- a EuChemS Working Party which fulfills the criterion for a division as defined in section 2.2.
A proposal shall include also a statement about possible overlap and areas of collaboration with already existing Divisions or Working Parties.
2.5 A formal proposal defining the objectives and giving detailed arguments for the formation of a Working Party can be submitted to the Executive Board by
- at least five EuChemS member societies or
- five members of the Executive Board or
- individual members from at least five EuChemS member societies.
A proposal shall include also a statement about possible overlap and areas of collaboration with already existing Divisions or Working Parties.
2.6 The Executive Board may want to consult chairs of Divisions or Working Parties before taking a decision, especially when there is a significant probability of overlapping with already existing divisions.
- Obligations of Divisions and Working Parties
3.1 A Division has an obligation to organise a European conference at least every other year. A Division shall register its conference at the EuChemS Secretariat, however no approval of the Executive Board is needed. When registering, a unique event number will be issued by the EuChemS Secretariat.
A Division or Working Party shall promote EuChemS at its conferences by eg adding a page in the book of abstracts, free registration for an EuChemS representative, having EuChemS promotional material at the venue of the conference, adding a welcome slide at the opening/closing of a conference.
3.2 A Division or Working Party will be prepared to make a contribution to the scientific programme for the EuChemS Chemistry Congresses.
3.3 A Division or Working Party will maintain an annual programme of activities in support of its field of chemistry e.g. symposia, publications, recommendations, or providing information to the scientific community.
3.4 A Division or Working Party will ensure that information on its activities is provided regularly to the EuChemS Secretariat.
3.5 A Division or Working Party can submit a statement on behalf of the Division or Working Party in their expert area, after being agreed within the respective Division or Working Party, but not also on behalf of EuChemS unless it is agreed in advance by the Executive Board or either by the President or the Immediate Past President (President Elect). This refers to official (written) statements and not to opinions of individuals representing EuChemS as experts.
3.6 A Division or Working Party will ensure that its official webpage is updated regularly. A Division’s or Working Party’s webpage shall be on the EuChemS server and shall comply with the EuChemS Corporate design, as decided by the Executive Board.
3.7 Divisions will ensure proper budgeting and accounting for the financial transactions in accordance with the requirements of EuChemS as a legal entity. If a Division or Working Party does not have a budget line within the EuChemS accounts, no accounts can be opened by that Division or Working Party, and no other accounts can be directly referred to, or include any reference to EuChemS. If such an unjustified event occurs, EuChemS does not bear any responsibility and cannot make claims on such an account.
3.8 Divisions and Working Parties cannot make any legally binding commitment on behalf of EuChemS (see 1.4).
- General Procedures for Divisions and Working Parties
4.1 A Division or Working Party will hold an annual meeting for its delegates; the delegates may attend in person or participate by appropriate electronic means. Approved minutes of the meetings shall be deposited at EuChemS Secretariat.
4.2 A Division or Working party shall ensure that its work fosters collaborative activities with other Divisions and/or Working Parties and other European and international organisations, where appropriate.
4.3 Each Division or Working Party shall submit an annual report on its activities to the Executive Board and, via its delegates, to the EuChemS member societies, following a template as approved by the Executive Board. The reporting date will be set by the Executive Board.
4.4 Divisions and Working Parties may form sub-groups to handle specialist areas within their broad sphere of activity.
4.5 Divisions and Working Parties may invite observers to participate in meetings for specific purposes, without a vote. Experts from non-member societies and other member organisations are such an example.
4.6 Divisions and Working Parties may adopt supplementary working procedures for conducting their business.
- Chair, Secretary and Delegates
5.1 The Chair shall normally be elected by and from the delegates in a ballot managed in accordance with good practice for elections; proxy voting and electronic voting are permitted.
5.2 The typical term of office of the Chair is three years. Normally re-election for only one further term is possible. A third term is allowed on the basis of a special case, with the agreement of the Executive Board, provided at least two-thirds of the member societies represented on the Division or Working Party have voted in favour.
5.3 A Division or a Working Party may have a Secretary. If so, the duties shall be shared between the Chair and the Secretary. This may be regulated in the Division’s or Working Party’s working procedures (see 4.6).
5.4 The duties of the Chair (or Secretary where appropriate) shall include:
- convening and conducting meetings of the Division or Working Party
- drawing up the agenda for the meetings, taking account of proposals from delegates
- participating in the EuChemS General Assembly, in a non-voting capacity, or arranging for an alternate to attend
- attending, or arranging for an alternate to attend, the meetings of the Divisions and Working Parties Forum
- seeking opportunities to engage in the development of EuChemS policy positions
- ensuring that the EuChemS Newsletter and the Brussels News Updates are circulated to members of the Division and Working Party
- representing the Division or Working Party, on invitation, at national, European or international events in the area of interest of the Division or Working Party
- ensuring that proper accounting is done with the requirements of EuChemS being a legal entity
- providing the Executive Board with annual report on the activity of the Division or Working Party as well as with other required documents (see Ch. 3)
- maintaining accurate records of the names, contact details and terms of office of Division’s or Working Party’s delegates from EuChemS member societies and observers
- keeping accurate records of decisions taken by the Division or Working Party and ensuring that voting is conducted in accordance with the proper procedures
- undertaking correspondence with delegates and via the EuChemS Secretariat also with member societies to ensure that retiring members are replaced in a timely manner
- providing up-to-date information to the EuChemS Secretariat as to further promote the activities of the Division or Working Party.
5.5 Each member organisation of EuChemS can appoint up to two delegates to each Division or Working Party. Appointed delegates should be leading researchers in the field of activity of the Division and/or Working Party in national or European bodies in the field. It is recommended that the appointment is for three years, extendible at least once.
5.6 Within the framework of the Division or Working Party the duties of delegates shall include
- developing and contributing to the Division’s or Working Party’s scientific activities
- seeking information from, and reporting back to, the EuChemS member organisation
- participating in the annual meeting of the Division or Working Party and other activities
- seeking opportunities to promote the activities of the Division or Working Party in their own country, through meetings and publications, using electronic means of communication where possible.
5.7 Should a delegate fail to participate in the activities of the Division or Working Party for two consecutive years, the Chair shall inform the relevant EuChemS member organisation, asking it to reconsider its nomination and to appoint a new delegate.
- Financial matters
6.1 Division’s money can be part of the consolidated budget of EuChemS and is subject to Belgian legislation and to the approval of the General Assembly.
6.2 Transfer of Division money held in the EuChemS bank account may be made with the approval of the EuChemS Treasurer following request by two persons from the Division (one of these two persons should be the Chair or the Secretary, eventually), in accordance with the form approved by the Executive Board.
6.3 The Division activity budget shall be submitted for approval to the Executive Board annually, prior to the EuChemS budget being submitted to the General Assembly.
- Voting
7.1 Where possible, decisions shall be taken by consensus. Where voting is required there shall be one vote per EuChemS member organisation. On location of conferences there shall be one vote per country.
7.2 Decisions may be taken either at Division or Working Party meetings, or by electronic means.
7.3 A delegate of a Division or Working Party may give proxy voting right to another delegate. This should be done in written form.
7.4 Acceptance of proposals is by simple majority (except for a proposal for a third term of office for a Chair under paragraph 5.2) provided that more than half of the members of the Division or Working Party, being the representatives of EuChemS member societies, are present and/or taking part in the vote.
- Winding-up of a Division or Working Party
8.1 The decision to wind up a Division or a Working Party shall be taken by the General Assembly, on recommendation of the Executive Board or a Division or Working Party.
8.2 Reasons for dissolution of a Division or Working Party include
- achievement of all pertinent objectives of the Division or Working Party
- it no longer meets the criteria for Division or Working Party status (see Ch 2)
- there has been insufficient activity on the part of the Division or Working Party for two successive years
- establishing a new Division or Working Party that will cover an area of so far existing one with new emerging areas and for that reason a dissolution of an existing one is first needed. Dissolution of a Division or Working Party needs agreement of all Divisions and/or Working Parties concerned.
8.3 A Division no longer fulfilling the criteria for Division status may select to revert to a Working Party, with the approval of the Executive Board.
- Final provision
The guidelines apply also for the European Young Chemists’ Network.
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