Meet EuChemS Representative at the EU Delegation to South Africa

Apr 25, 2017

Prof. Santiago V. Luis, Chair of EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment, will be EuChemS´ representative at the European Union Mission to South Africa on Circular Economy, 2 – 5 May 2017.

Santiago V. Luis studied Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza and completed his PhD at the University of Valencia. After postdoctoral work at the University of Pittsburgh (USA), he got a permanent position at the University of Valencia and then a full professorship at the University Jaume I of Castellón in Spain where he is the leader of the Supramolecular and Sustainable Chemistry group with research interests in Supramolecular Chemistry using biocompatible building blocks and in aspects of Sustainable Chemistry involving catalysis, biocatalysis, flow chemistry and the work with ionic liquids and supercritical fluids. Member of the Divisions of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) and Green Chemistry (DGC) of EuChemS and chair of the DCE. Associate Editor for Environmental Science and Pollution Research and for RSC Advances and member of the Editorial Board of the EuChemS Newsletter Chemistry in Europe.