The Steering Committee postponed the ECSSC in Prague in August 2021 to July 2023 due to the pandemic still prevalent and severe travel restrictions. To avoid full disruptions of the 2021 ECSSC sequence and as a reminder of the taste of the future event in Prague the Steering Committee also unanimously arranged the conference as a virtual online (ZOOM program) one day meeting e.g., August 16 or June 28, 2021, with 4 invited speakers.
Now, it is with pleasure that we invite you for the 18th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry (ECSSC 2023) to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on July 9 – 12, 2023.
Solid state research and topic of the ECSSC 2023 are a combination of chemistry, physics, crystallography and engineering that aims at synthesis, design and evolution of solid functional materials with extended structures and interesting chemical or physical properties. As systems, this includes ceramics, heterogeneous catalysts, electrode and battery materials, semi- and superconductors, photocatalysts, sensors, pigments, luminescent substances and much more. Recently, especially materials for better energy efficiency are amongst the most investigated systems. Also, the question of resources and renewables has become prominent for materials research.
Solid materials are often inorganic chemicals (like oxides, chalcogenides, silicates, halides, borides, intermetallics), but the methods and models that are used for characterization, analysis and description of the substances come from physical chemistry, physics or crystallography. Synthetic methods include molecular and ceramic routes. An increasing role is attributed to theory both for prediction and understanding as well as for modelling and tuning of materials.
We look forward to seeing all of you in Prague in July 2023.
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Benediktinské arciopatství (Hotel Adalbert) sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty Markétská 1/28 169 00 Praha 6-Břevnov - Praha Events
You can register, and find up-to-date information about the event, speakers, deadlines and the venue below: