EuChemS President Congratulates GDCh for its 150th Anniversary

Jun 21, 2017

EuChemS President, Prof. David Cole-Hamilton has recently congratulated the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), a Member of EuChemS, for its 150th anniversary.

“EuChemS offers its heartiest congratulations to the GDCh on the major milestone of reaching 150 years of existence.

The GDCh is the cornerstone of chemistry in Germany and a role model for many societies around the world. It has been a major supporter of EuChemS from its inception and has provided or supported many senior members of our Executive Board including Eckart Rühl, Michael Dröscher, Wolfram Koch and Ulrich Schubert. We wish you great celebrations and a highly productive next 150 years!

Prof. David Cole-Hamilton
President EuChemS”