Consultation on the restriction of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

Home » Consultation on the restriction of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

In October 2023, EuChemS Submitted a comment on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)’s proposal on the restriction on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFASs.

The EuChemS comment is as follows

“We advise against a general ban on all PFAS compounds. Although PFAS compounds are persistent, some are more toxic than others, depending on functional groups and/or the length of the alkyl chain. Therefore, a proper assessment has to be made of the toxicity of individual PFAS compounds and intermediates that has been used to produce this particular compounds.

Given the wide-spread use of per fluorinated compounds in all kinds of materials and drugs a transition period should be considered when crucial compounds are to be banned.”

All comments on the proposal can be read here.

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