2023 General Assembly Meetings
The 2023 EuChemS General Assembly (GA) meeting took place in Larnaca, Cyprus. The business session of the GA, for members with voting rights was held on Thursday, 12 October 2023 afternoon. The open session was held on Friday, 13 October in the morning.

The meeting was chaired by EuChemS President Floris Rutjes. During the meeting, the application for membership from Bosnia and Herzegovina was voted on, and accepted. In addition, the representatives voted in favour for the application for a new EuChemS Division on Glycosience, as well as a new EuChemS Working Party on Mechanochemistry. The new Member Society, as well as the new Professional Networks will kick off from 1 January 2024.
The following day, at the open session joined by Professional Networks as well, the highlights of the European Chemical Society in the last twelve months were presented by Floris Rutjes and Nineta Hrastelj. Their presentations summarised EuChemS science-policy developments, scientific conferences, projects and science communications. In addition, Joana Amaral addressed matters of Professional Networks. Finally, European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) former Chair Maximillian Menche presented on the numerous activities of the EYCN. The attendees engaged in discussion on relevant EuChemS topics following the presentations.
Angela Agostiano, on behalf of EuChemS, thanked for the service of Floris Rutjes, whose mandate as EuChemS President is approaching its end. He will be succeeded by Angela Agostiano, elected at the 2022 General Assembly, however, he will continue as Vice-President for the next two years.
EuChemS warmly thanks all representatives who participated in the 2023 General Assembly. This meeting was carefully organised by the EuChemS Secretariat led by Nineta Hrastelj, Secretary General, and was made a success thanks to the excellent collaboration of the representatives from the EuChemS Member Societies, Supporting Members and Professional Networks before and during the meeting, as well as to the hosts, the Pancyprian Union of Chemists.
- EuChemS President Presentation – Floris Rutjes
- EuChemS Secretariat Presentation – Nineta Hrastelj
- EuChemS Treasurer’s Report – Hans Peter Lüthi
- EuChemS Professional Networks Presentation – Joana Amaral
- EYCN Activities Presentation – Maximillian Menche
2023 Professional Networks Meetings
The 2023 annual meeting of the EuChemS Professional Networks (PNs) was held in Larnaca, Cyprus, on Friday, on the afternoon of 13 October 2023.
The PNs meeting, chaired by Floris Rutjes, EuChemS President, was attended by the representatives of Professional Networks, Angela Agostiano, Hans Peter Lüthi and the EuChemS Secretariat. Various topics were covered during this meeting, such as presenting follow-up actions from last year’s meeting, and future collaborations, such as on scientific conferences and Professional Network awards. President of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland and ECC-9 Chair Pat Guiry discussed the progress on the ECC9, to be held in Dublin in 2024.
EuChemS warmly thanks all attendees who participated in the 2023 annual PNs meeting, prepared by the EuChemS Secretariat, and greatly appreciates the active participation and collaboration of all PNs during the meeting and throughout the year.
The 2024 Annual Meetings will be held in Berlin, Germany on 23-25 October 2024.