2021 EuChemS Professional Networks report

Home » 2021 EuChemS Professional Networks report

Dear Chair of the EuChemS Professional Network,

You are kindly invited to submit electronically the updates of your Professional Network’s activities in 2021 by 30 November 2021.

The online form covers short descriptions of the key activities and achievements of 2021 (events/conferences/symposiums, initiatives, contributions to EuChemS policy activities…), short-term future activities and upcoming relevant meetings, aims and goals of your Professional Network, as well as the structure of the Board (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Editor) and the delegates, including the gender balance.

Your input will either be published in the “2021 EuChemS Yearbook”, or be helpful in advancing EuChemS’ goals.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
EuChemS Secretariat

After clicking on the SUBMIT button, you should get the following confirmation message on your screen:

“Thank you for submitting an electronic update of your Professional Network’s activities in 2021. You will shortly receive an email confirmation.

If you do not receive an email confirmation within 15 minutes, there may have been a technical error, so we kindly ask you to re-submit the form. Please also check your spam folder before re-submitting.

For any issues or queries, please contact: secretariat[at]euchems.eu

You will also receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided. If this is not the case, please re-submit the form or contact us at secretariat[at]euchems.eu