Individual Supporters and Friends

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EuChemS is grateful for any individual support given to our work, by promoting and participating in EuChemS activities, by staying up-to-date with our latest news, by sharing ideas and concerns, or via financial support. Please be aware that individuals are not however able to become direct members of EuChemS.

Supporting the chemical sciences is a task we all carry out on a daily basis – whether we realise it or not. From the researcher trying to solve energy issues, to the policy-maker who includes scientific advice in decision-making processes, from the chemistry school teacher who shares the wonders of the Periodic Table to students, to the common citizen who subscribes to our newsletters or leaves through a science journal.

We welcome any donations to support the work of EuChemS in promoting the chemical sciences, and now offer you the chance of becoming a friend of EuChemS. In order to contribute, click on the donate button on the EuChemS website to donate €25 or more.