The Initiative for Science in Europe’s position paper on the Horizon Europe budget allocation

On 6 July, the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) released a position paper on the Horizon Europe programme. EuChemS’ representative within the ISE task force on Horizon Europe could contribute to the building of consistent argumentation and recommendations on the newest European R&I framework.

While welcoming Horizon Europe’s international dimension, ISE highlighted the need for a stronger incentive toward interdisciplinary actions. The multiple suggestions from ISE include recommendations for calls covering more than one Horizon Europe cluster (under pillar II), as well as more budget flexibility across intervention areas.

Although ISE supports the “Widening Participation” cross-cutting action within all the pillars of Horizon Europe, emphasis is given on the importance of addressing the EU15/EU13 gap issues and the lack of collaboration between both groups.

As final proposals for improvement, the ISE position paper underlines the need to build a strong pan-European research community that will be globally competitive.

You can read more about the ISE position paper on Horizon Europe here.

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