Conference on the Future of Europe concludes on Europe Day

9 May marks Europe Day – on the anniversary of signing the Schuman Declaration, European states celebrate the unity of the continent. The closing ceremony of the year-long Conference on the Future of Europe was held on this symbolic day.

The Conference on the Future of Europe gave an opportunity to citizens to actively take part in the democratic process, and engage with the European Union and its upcoming prospects. This discussion culminated in 49 proposals, each consisting of a key objective and numerous measures. The proposals covering a wide range of areas will be delivered as a report to the European Parliament.

Amongst the key themes, environmental and educational matters can be found. The set of proposals urges the EU to focus on circular economy and provide up to date scientific environmental information to citizens, and calls for a comprehensive, coordinated pan-European educational area.

You can read more about the entire conference here, and you can access the full list of proposals here.

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