What’s new on GDPR?

The Federation of European Academies of Science (FEAM) has recently released its “International Sharing of Personal Health Data for Research” report.

Part of the statements draw on discussions from the ISC’s GDPR Webinar that was hosted back in 2019 and which second session is to take place in September 2021.

The report outlines various key points as regards to the GDPR in open science and open research such as the crucial need for international collaboration “for example in large-scale epidemiology and registry data [to work] with a high number of variables from different countries” (p. 24 of the “International Sharing of Personal Health Data for Research” report); while learning how to process the wide data diversity. FEAM also underlines the importance of adequate use, appropriate safeguards, explicit consent and above all prioritising social interest.

The report closes with some recommendations for improvement such as closer collaboration with academies and the need to take patients opinions into account.

Read and download the complete FEAM report here.

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