EuChemS Signs COARA agreement

The European Chemical Society is a signatory of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (COARA)’s agreement since last month.

The key aim of COARA is the reform of the research assessment framework, turning it into a more impact-focused, transparent and qualitative metric. The long-term goal of this the improvement of the quality and impact of research.

By signing, EuChemS joins a growing number of organisations – academic and research associations, authorities and agencies that work with research implementation, universities and many more. The signatories subscribe to ten commitments related to conducting research assessment outlined in the document. These are, amongst other things, highlight that potentially misleading or arbitrary criteria, such as the ranking of the institution the research originates from should be avoided, and how innovative, evidence based frameworks should be encouraged, developed and constantly reviewed.

COARA was presented by Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel during the EU Research and Innovation Days. You cand find the entire text of the agreement here.



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