EuChemS Letter to President Juncker on the Reallocation of Horizon 2020 Funds

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EuChemS Letter to President Juncker on the Reallocation of Horizon 2020 Funds

EuChemS has written a letter to President Juncker urging the European Commission to stop the proposal for the reallocation of funds from Horizon 2020 to the new European Fund for Strategic Investments.

This reduction of the Horizon 2020 budget, and in particular that of the European Research Council, would lead to the loss of approximately 150 ERC grants and about 1000 employment possibilities for young researchers over the next five years thus severely damaging the science base and the individual career progression of many of our most talented young researchers. This unfortunate short-sight approach would also have a tremendous impact on the profitable science and technology sector of the EU which is deeply rooted in chemistry innovation and on the chemical industries and whose exports represent a large share of EU exports.